To be honest, I stopped focusing on the news a long time ago, rejecting the negativity it always seems to prevail. As I had began to contemplate more often than not, the titles and names of headlines in our news oddly adequate uncannily shared the truth of the matter straight through their lexigrams, astrological and numerical guidance. Anything called upon me to focus upon the up-to-date Virginia Tech tragedy, has shocked me to no end. In all I have up till now been able to share with you about the endless mysteries swirling around us straight through the Universe above, I believe this occurrence is one of the most revealing horrific events that is request us to truly be aware...and not ignore what our star secrets can ultimately share with us to avoid outcomes such as this in the future.
[b]Earth Virgo[/b]
My first thoughts come to one of the many messages you will find within the words of Virginia Tech, and I dream would also agree with,
I Grieve In A Great Rain...
Where in the world do we start? As the media has been... Guess it is best to refrain from being kind and shy about what the truth of the reality indeed is. As much as I wanted to ignore it, something compelled me to look into the lexigrams of the tale to be told from the anagrams within Virginia Tech. What came to me was even more than the actual occurrence. There are deep messages within this name that the communal is meant to dispell in the aftermath.
Virginia Tech
An Eighteen/Nine Native Ignite A Tragic Archive In A Variant Hate
It Ain'T In A Grace, It Gravitate In A Great Vain
It In An Anger, A Rage, A Great Rain
It Reign In An Irate Hate, It originate A Great obvious Change
It Teach Reign Can'T Earn, Can'T React In Hate
It Teach The Earth Can'T Gain In Hate
It Teach The Earth Can'T Thrive In Hate
It Teach The Earth Can'T accomplish In Hate
The Eighteen/Nine React In A Crave In Hate, Reaching
The Earth collect In A Great Grieving
The Earth Can Regain, ask In An Ethnic Grace
The Earth Can Enrich In A Right Caring Ethnic Change
It originate Again A Giant Tv Gain
For those who may not know, the gunman, Cho Seung Hu, was born upon January 18th, 1984. This granted him a Saturn ruled Capricorn Sun with a Mars ruled 18/9 karmic path. Cho was on the lifepath of the 32/5, representing Mercury's work on of change, movement and communication, indicating the native's actions in the lifetime work on masses of people. The videos he sent to Nbc in the middle of the shootings have since revealed to the masses that he compared himself to Jesus, and the very karmic path he was influenced by is directly referred to by the antique Chaldeans as the "Jesus complex," representing the view of 'Spiritual-Material Conflict.' Cho indeed has affected the masses now.
The world is full of personalities that thrive under the 18's vibration because love is their guide, yet there are great warnings within the Chaldean's 18 message to beware of reacting in life with rage and anger to the apparent obstacles presented to them. Cho had more than his fair share of the single 9's energy in his birthcart to intensify this karmic path, being born to a 27/9 degree Capricorn Sun, which when cultivated properly, will only reap a rich harvest from the seeds sown in the life. When Mars energy is not nurtured, conflict, penetration and aggressive action are the natural outcomes.
With a 32/5 lifepath of 'Communication,' Cho's rash actions have reached the masses on a level that many are bewildered and incredibly troubled by which will unfortunately never be forgotten. This heavy aggregate of Mars and Mercury does not always enumerate well within the soul, and the negative polarity of fiery Mars prevailed in Cho's option to react in conflict. As he lived out the last days of his lifepath, Mercury's typical grounded and logical messenger energy resulted in the opposing polarity of confused, restless and scattered behavior. As many psychologists are now struggling to understand, the energies from within the identity of his Capricorn soul did not exhibit the usual wise, responsible and stable energy known to these Saturn natives.
Further revelations into Cho's birthchart enumerate his emotions were governed by a 20/2 degree Cancer Moon, which, in astrological terms, is in opposition to his native sun sign. This indicates he fought within himself to understand his moon sign's emotions straight through his sun sign identity. Inasmuch as he had the inherent to faultless himself, the polarity to resist within his own soul was beyond apparent, as this opposition is straight through two leadership energies in the Zodiac. No doubt this enchanting aspect indicates that within the imaginable actions Cho took, he, in his own mind, believed he was prominent a protective cause as he gravitated to the negative dictating energy of his Capricorn sun.
Cho was only at the very starting of a brand new numerical 9 year cycle in his young life, in a blessed 19/1 personal year. The Chaldeans constantly refer to the 19 as a most fortunate number, but in the understanding of cause and effect, the opposing energy of the blessings of the 19 can succeed in purification on a most destructive level. Coupled with the energy of Cho's 5 personal month in April of turn and movement, there was a stir in him. As he awoke on the Universal energy of the 16th- which is the Chaldean's understanding of 'The Shattered Citadel'- "The Tower struck by lightening, from which all fall," when calm and gentleness is not adhered to- he was in a 12/3 personal day of the 'Sacrifice- The Victim.'
The numerical expression of Cho's full name, Cho Seung Hu, again indicates the work on of the 12/3. The energy of the 12 is directly linked to the 18, in the same respect of how he compared himself to Jesus. Jesus dealt with the energies of the vibrations of the 3, 6 and 9 in his short lifetime. What is even more uncanny is Cho's first name alone also vibrates to the 6, as well as one of the names upon his tattoo. There is no doubt Cho's struggled within his own understanding of what Jesus was truly all about, for the unfortunate outcome, unlike Jesus, is that Cho was not the "kneeling, submissive student," that the 12's meaning so deeply urges the native to do. Along with the 18's energy, he forgot to learn the part of how to react to life's pressure...with love.
Eerily enough, the characters in Cho's full name enumerate why he did not:
Cho Seung Hu
Cho'S Huge Ego Chose Guns
Ouch He Use Guns He Shun Chosen Ones
He Hone On Guns, Gosh Chosen Ones Gush, Go Hush
Once He Chose No Hugs, No Song
He Echos One Sec He Use Guns On Cue
Ohh He Cons Us
He Gone Eons On
So No Son, No One Goes On
So He, No One He Chose Goes On
Such Cho'S Ego Chose Enough
Our media has also revealed Cho had a tattoo which had the following name upon it, which same as the name Virginia Tech, carries a 10/1 numerical name expression, which directly affects the outward energies a man or entity projects upon the world.
Ismail Ax
I Aims In Ax Ills
I Am An Ill Axis
I Am M.I.A.
In An Ill I Slam All
Alas I Mail All Ills
I Mix Aims
I Am Lax
I Am Ill
I Am All'S Alias
The 10/1, represents the Chaldean's knowledge of 'The Wheel of Fortune.' This whole also is the first numerical duration cycle Cho was still experiencing numerically, from being born upon January 18th. The Chaldean's direct translation of the 10 explains:
"10 is a whole of rise and fall, according to personal desire. It will be known for good or evil, depending on the action chosen. 10 is capable of arousing the ultimate responses of love or hate - respect or fear. There is no middle ground in the middle of honor or dishonor. Every event is self-determined. 10 is the seal of Love and Light, which originate all that can be imagined, and also contains the code: Image 10 Ordain. Image it and it shall be. Ordain it and it will materialize. The power for manifesting creative concepts into reality is inherent, but must be used with wisdom, since the power for absolute creation contains the polarity power for absolute destruction. Self-discipline and infinite compassion must accompany the gift of the old to avoid the tragedy of the latter. Discipline must gait Dominion. Unfortunately, some 10 population fail to comprehend their power potential, and consequently harbor deep-seated feelings of frustration, causing them to feel unfulfilled, and to occasionally behave in a somewhat proud and arrogant manner to cover such unnecessary feelings of inferiority."
It is more apparent that ever that there is inherent wisdom in the Chaldean's antique teachings that still apply to life in this contemporary age. Coupled with the equally intuitive knowledge astrology and lexigrams can provide for us, there is undeniable understanding that can serve us all. As we continue to co-exist in a fast paced world, no doubt the communal is being asked to slow down and take the time to know thyself, and be aware of the choices we make. We always have the personal option to make obvious choices, and not gravitate to negative ones. There is imaginable knowledge to dispell about the power of our names as we evolve straight through our numerical and astrological guidance. Interestingly enough, the Universal Numerical energy of this past Monday was none other than the 20's understanding of 'The Awakening.' May the world learn a essential part from the revelations at Virginia Tech upon April 16th, 2007.
Virgina Tech, 4-16-2007